If you are a recreational or pro athlete in the sports of powerlifting, Crossfit, bodybuilding, or running, we want to sponsor you. Sponsorship means we provide you with LED Queens apparel for your meets and competitions in the form of shorts, singlets, socks, leggings, and other accessories. We also help sponsored athletes with a 5% contribution for us for registration for the athlete's meets and competitions. We will also feature you in our newsletter and social media, and we will support your visibility in the LGBTQ community. Of course, sponsorship is open to anyone, so if you're not LGBTQ and you want to get sponsored, you are also welcome!
To submit an application: Please send us an email and tell us what sport you compete in, what your next two meets or competitions will be, and why you think LED Queens is the right sponsor for you. This program is only open to athletes residing in the continental United States, Mexico and the UK. We have limited slots, and athlete selection is at our discretion. We can only take a handful of athletes for the rest of 2018, but as LED Queens grows, we plan to also expand to sponsorship of teams and other sports.