Hey Queero!
We made it through the wilderness, truly. Can you believe it’s already 2022? In just a few weeks we will be getting ready to prepare for Pride celebrations, and a much needed spring and summer vibe.
This summer, LED Queens will turn five years old! That means we will have been around for half a decade. That’s worthy of celebration.
But at the same time, there’s change and challenges all around us. As you know, the ongoing pandemic, supply chain issues, the burgeoning war between Russia and Ukraine and climate change are having a huge impact on the way we shop and on the way retailers connect with customers.
I have taken an in-depth look at what we do here at LED Queens, and in particular, our prices. Back in 2020, when the lockdowns were in full swing, we actually lowered all our prices for you, so that you could get your favorite gear from us while gyms were closed. In 2021, our pricing went back up to their regular levels, but luckily we kept things very stable and avoided price hikes.
But as I look to the future of LED Queens, I will need to raise prices for my customers in 2022.
We are growing as a brand, and growth comes with changes. With half a decade of experience behind us, we are ready to expand and reach more of our brothers, sisters and non-binary siblings around the world with our products.
Our new pricing will go into effect on March 31, 2022. That means that right now you can lock in the older prices and stock up on any of our products that you want to get at those lower levels.
I will always do my best to keep prices stable and affordable as possible for LED Fans, and I want to thank you for coming along with me on this journey of fitness, queerness and color for the past five years. If you have any questions about these changes, please message me on Instagram at @LEDQueens.
Your feedback matters the world to me, so I look forward to hearing from you. Keep it queer!
Cesar Torres
Founder and Designer
LED Queens Fitness Apparel